CV en anglais
Curriculum vitae
First name:
Date and birthplace:
Fax: Fixed:¶ ¶
E-mail:¶ ¶
National situation opposite service:Released
Formation ¶
* ¶
training courses ¶
Data-processing knowledge ¶
yes ¶
Language speech
* English
¶* French
¶* Arab ¶
NAVIGATION BY INTERNET, SPORT.................... ¶
Sample CV in English Curriculum Vitae or Your Name
Date Personal Details Education You do not need give a full list of courses you have taken or mention grades. You should, however, give the topic of you thesis. Work experience You do not need to give full details of all previous work experience but make sure there are no gaps in your work history. Emphasise the experience that is relevant for the job you are now applying for and any work you have done in Finland. Computer and language skills Activities / Interests References Always ask the person before naming them your referee. You might also want to mention |
Rédiger : Vocabulaire d'un CV en anglais
Pour rediger un cv en anglais, utilisez le vocabulaire suivant :
Additional information : informations complémentaires, divers
A-levels : Baccalauréat
Assigned to : affecté à
Degree : diplôme (universitaire)
Diploma : diplôme (professionnel)
Driving licence : permis de conduire
Efficiency : efficacité
Expertise : la compétence
Fluently : couramment (à utiliser pour mettre votre niveau en langue)
Good skills, both written and oral : bonne maîtrise à l'oral et à l'écrit
Good knowledge of Italian : bonne connaissance de l'Italien
High school : lycée
Mother tongue : langue maternelle
Placement : stage en entreprise
Professional record : expérience professionnelle
Sales force : force de vente
Shorthand : sténographie
Skilled : qualifié
Survey : une étude (de marché,...)
Subsidiary : une filiale
Temporary job : un emploi intérimaire
To carry out a work placement : faire un stage
Trainee : stagiaire
Training course : stage de formation
Working knowledge of German : pratique de l'allemand comme langue de travail